Ashlyn's Top Ten new years resolutions made by the Cassadine/Spencer clan

10-lu- I resolve not to babble while daddy is trying to get through a rant. It distracts him.

9- Lucky- I resolve not to push Nikolas down anymore stairs..psst Nikolas have you looked at an empty elevator shaft yet?

8- Luke- I resolve not to call what's his face the bastard anymore..yo demon spawn.. what I didn't call him the b word?

7-Laura- I resolve not to abandon Nikolas anymore this year. What I start with small goals and work my way up.

6-Lesley- I reolve to teach my daughter how to effectively mother her eldest son.

5-Bobbie- I resolve to not to call my husband Stefawnnnn it's Stefan.

4-Lucas- I resolve to stop screaming everyone's name when I see them NIKOLAS! oops.

3-Alexis- I resolve to stop trying to understand my crazy family. I swear I should have been a Quartermain they are way more stable.

2-Stefan- I resolve to quit having flashbacks of Katherines shooting--I realize now I am not Patch my name is not Patch it was just a dream .. Sweetness?? Is that you??

1-Nikolas- I resolve to take my shirt off at least bi-weekly so Ashlyn doesn't picket the GH studio after waiting patiently for 6 months to see me do this.