Top Ten Things Nikolas Dreams About (by Ashlyn)

10) Having a family with a mother and sister who love him unconditionally

9) Painting windemere psychedilic purple just to see Stefan's face

8) Having a TV and a stereo system..(sheesh let the boy do more than read!)

7) Gina in a short skirt and a smile!!

6) a ban on stairs converting all staircases to elevators!

5) deporting the Spencer men on the charge of really bad hair!LOL

4) Stefan in jeans and a t-shirt! (hey he has to amuse himself some way!)

3) Laying deep dark secrets on the people he loves that continually do it to him!

2) Moving into a cozy house ("this place is like a tomb...")

and the number one thing Nikolas dream about...

1) getting a car!!!!